Monday, November 23, 2009



Science has a language of its own which sometimes puzzles laymen. The
word "obvious" is a case in point.

A professor of physics, deriving some profound point of theory for
the class, scribbled an equation on the board and said, "From this,
it is obvious that we can proceed to write the following
relationship..." and he scribbled a second and equally long equation
on the board.

Then he paused. He stared hard at the two equations and said, "Wait a
minute, I may be wrong..."

He sat down and began to write at his desk furiously, crossing out
and rewriting for five minutes while the class sat in absolute
silence waiting for the verdict.

Finally, the professor rose with an air of satisfaction and said,
"Yes, I was right in the first place. It 'IS' obvious that the second
equation follows from the first."

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